Where will you travel in 2021?

Where will you travel in 2021? Looking forward to a new year, a new vaccine and a renewed commitment to explore

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Perhaps you can just make out the Eiffel Tower in the distance, or catch a glimpse of Yellowstone’s Old Faithful on the horizon.

Our year without travel is, mercifully, coming to an end.

It won’t be over next week, or next month. But in the months ahead, thanks to record-fast development of COVID vaccines, a majority of Americans are likely to start traveling again, released from the grip of the coronavirus pandemic, with its travel restrictions and stay-at-home edicts.

Where will you go first? Will you stay close to home or hop a flight across the ocean? Check out Chicago, Seattle or the Czech Republic?

I’d like to compile a story for the Travel section in print and online in early January that includes readers’ travel plans for the new year. Let me know where you plan to go first, once it’s safe to travel – a bucket-list trek to Machu Picchu or that long-discussed trip to Disney World with the grandkids? A European cruise or a cross-country camping trip?

Try to keep your entries to 250 words or less and include a photo if you can.

I’ll start – I hope to travel to Denmark in 2021. My daughter, a junior at the College of Wooster, was scheduled to study abroad in Copenhagen this past fall semester. And I, of course, was planning to visit her.

Her program was canceled, but may be rescheduled for this summer. If so, Copenhagen, here I come. Other possibilities for me in 2021: Ecuador, Hawaii, New Mexico, Minneapolis

How about you? Send entries to Travel editor Susan Glaser at sglaser@cleveland.com. Please respond by Sunday, Jan. 3.

Related: My year without travel: Long-time Cleveland travel writer reflects on a pandemic year of staying close to home
